Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Women of Kochi-You are Safest

If The Week magazine cover story is to be believed, Kochi is the most safest city in India for women. Are they talking about Kochi, Ernakulam? Did they do the survey on women, or ask men of Kochi as to whether the women are safe? Interesting logic by the Assistant Commisioner of Kochi "Kerala women donot venture out after 8.00 PM, so Kerala women are safe". God save his own country!

The other reference is to Panjim [Goa] city as best for party..that is not news any more. For the uninitiated, parties are worth the purse bulge in your pockets. Many party hotspots are away from Panjim. If you have the money to flaunt, every city is best for party. Public Transportation System in Goa comes to a standstill at 8:00PM, so the common man in Goa is still away from the party and night life. When will perceptions change? Good that the Goa Assistant. Commisioner did not say "Goan people stop working at 8:00PM, so they party all night".

Any way I dismiss this as another of Manorama Pulp fiction stories


silverine said...

This is like saying, that people in Kerala practice abstinence and hence the population growth is considerably lower than other states! LOL

whoozlineisitanywayz said...

Hello there

Discovered your blog courtesy, the PhD weblogs site. Keep up the good work! I look forward to browsing through ur archives to understand your experiences of doing PhD in India.

Best of luck

manuscrypts said...

nonsense i say!! i think they are doing 'covering up' stories!!

-Poison- said...

well.. being a keralite, i have come to tolerate the bulls**t that the Manorama group passes off as news.

i still remember the Manorama headline after 9/11. Roughly translated, it meant - huge war in the US.

Anonymous said...

lol...another manorama news on in famous dps case...

Bazee CEO accepted 17,000 Rupees for the video from the culprit. :D)

Still I love reading manorama!!!