Monday, September 05, 2005

Teacher Blogs

'A student spends 25,000 hours in the campus. The school must have the best of teachers who have the ability to teach, love teaching and build moral qualities' - A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM

Compliments on Teacher's Day.

Some interesting questions on blogging by faculty members have been raised in Chronicle careers. Is it right for a faculty member to use blog as a publishing tool? What happens when a faculty member maintains a personal blog, that can go against him during tenureship? What happens when a blog of a faculty job applicant is seen by the selection committee. Can blogs be used for job evaluation and a selection criteria? Should faculty blogs only be of academic nature or further research? Read here

I feel a blog is a great way to educate and share knowledge. There is great potential in open access to ideas and thoughts. Blogs go a long way to fulfill accessibility without constraints.

Address to the Nation by Hon. President of India on Teachers day is very inspring. Read here


silverine said...

Considering the amount of time netizens spend reading and writing blogs, we could have a winner here.We should explore the use of Blogs in education.Besides Blogging should be permitted by employers too.

-Poison- said...

a blog would give the students the freedom to interact anonymously and share feedback.

Anonymous said...

This is a rather old article from Arstechnica on why one should be cautious in blogging...
