Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurricane Indra

With female Hurricanes creating havoc on the American Coast and Media, the headline in The Herald screamed 'Hurricane Andhra'. Now is Andhra a female name? For convenience we have Indianised it as 'Hurricane Indra'. Indra-The Hindu God of Rain.

Indra does know how to devastate, Goa received the pounding from the lord for 3 days, 11 inches in 33 hours.


silverine said...

Hi Madan,

Long time no see and no hear!!!! We should name our hurricanes Laloo Prasad Yadav and Shankar Mani Iyer etc. according to severity :))

manuscrypts said...

hope the insti is still there!!

adarsh said...

Andhra ? :o
andhra is a state name yar..

Stirred not shaken! said...

Nice observation about hurricane names. Looks like you're burried deep in studies. btw i am piled high and deeper (phd) in something that I dont know.
