Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Some ideas to ponder, even if they donot have Nobel Prize calibre, they will certainly be counted for IgNobel awards [See the 2004 award winners and you will be surprised to find our contribution in getting IgNobel in economics for “outsourcing church prayers to Kerala”].

Desalination Plant at Kochi- Dubai alumni can help MACEians know about the same in Dubai.

A Kasargod-Trivandrum Sea Link

A resuable building material which gets stronger after each use.

An energy exchange[like the electronic stock exchange], where companies and households can trade energy stocks[buy and sell electricity, auction surplus energy resources].

A liquid based RFID [Radio Frequency Identification] material [crystalline gel] that can emit signals: This is particularly useful for petroleum industry, water resource management.
Wireless electricity transmission [possible? I like to know some thing about this.].

An inland-waterway public transportation vehicle- I remember some seniors in MACE[1994 mechanical batch, I persume] have made an amphibious vehicle.

A tablet PC for school students with malayalam software, that costs less than a PC.

A writing material made from anything other than bamboo [solid waste, biological waste].

“Audio” electricity [sound as an energy source]: This is interesting if we can think of converting the huge decibels of sound in rock shows, city junctions into some form of energy. It will be great if we can convert our voices into energy[all politicians, people with gift of back, and microphone addicts are potential sources].

1 comment:

silverine said...

Come to think of it, you may have pointed to a potential source of energy- the Indian politician especially the Kerala breed who can produce enough energy in one single bashanamto burn down the entire Coca Cola plant!