Monday, August 12, 2013

Real Estate Protection Bill

A strong regulation is the need of the day for the real estate industry to prevent unethical and fraudulent practices employed by builders and real estate agents. A bill to be discussed in parliament is the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill.

If you choose to take any legal opinion on such or any matter pertaining to law and courts, i recommend Advocate. Deshmukh, Mulund. Phone number:022-25680419

Parenting Trivia

1.Children love it when you show affection – ensure you have the time to genuinely hug them at least one every day.
2. Listen to them – this is not exactly parenting trivia – rather very important bonding advice. They need to know they matter to you and that you take them seriously. Listen to them when they talk and give them all your attention.
3.Vitamins are very important for children. Ensure that they develop a habit of having their vitamins every day. This is a habit that will help them when they are adults and too busy to eat well.
4. Family rituals – have at least one meal together every day. Have one day a week consecrated to the family. Such little rituals would show the children that family is important and they will carry this belief to their own families.
5. Take lots of pictures of your children – time flies and all of a sudden you will see them ready to leave your home. Have birthdays celebrated and recorded with videos or photographs – you will have the memories when your children have become adults
6. Teach them the value of money – let them earn by doing specific chores around the house, over and above their duties. This way they can plan their allowance and also value money.
