Sunday, October 07, 2012

Zomato!..I learnt to stop burpping!

Zomato..This is one app that makes me happy everytime i need it. It routes you the most happiest moment in your life..when your stomach has had a hearty little meal. Sharing that moment with other happy people makes this  a path breaking app.

The best i like is the review and review sharing here is my review of the zomato iOS App
Rating 4.5/5
1.  The facebook for food- like feature
2.  Rating of reviewer's and popularity index
3.  The new search feature on the web..the restaurants that are open at this time (very important when you are hungry in the middle of the night)

The new features i wish to see
1. Maps and checkin feature linked to facebook
2. Search by name of dish and rate the best dishes in the menu
3. The most I want to add restaurants that i find on my journies.