There are two kinds of people in this world... Those who see you and exclaim "Here, I am". Those who see you and exclaim "Ah, There you are" NADAM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Reliability=Glenn McGrath
Glenn McGrath Bowl in a Cricket Test Match...
An exhibition of two extremes of reliability...One at the Bowlers end and the other extreme[failure] at the Batting end. A study of variation, accuracy, and precision is best done analysing McGrath's good length deliveries. I call him 'Six Sigma Pigeon'. The first Ashes Test match tells you why it is true.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Weasle Jargon
[argh] Jeees...Bust this Jargon, "When will they learn to say what they mean, and mean what they say?".
You know Weasle words have attacked when;
a) The Church advices its clients to add value to all their prayers.
b) Divorce Lawyers become consultants doing a SWOT on different conflict scenarios
c) Your dad advices you about the Key Process Areas [KPA's] of leading a married life
d) Shifting your office table is akin to Knowledge Work Re-engineering
e) Getting your job done by somebody else becomes Knowledge Process Outsourcing [Wasn't that 'free riding?]
f) Carry a Power-Point presenTation about yourself on the next speed date
Read more on Language Abuse with Business Jargon here
Women of Kerala, You are NOT Safe
Women are not Safe in Kerala Homes: Study [Source: PTI, 18 July 2005]
Manorama got it right, Women are safe outside than inside their homes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Women of Kochi-You are Safest
The other reference is to Panjim [Goa] city as best for party..that is not news any more. For the uninitiated, parties are worth the purse bulge in your pockets. Many party hotspots are away from Panjim. If you have the money to flaunt, every city is best for party. Public Transportation System in Goa comes to a standstill at 8:00PM, so the common man in Goa is still away from the party and night life. When will perceptions change? Good that the Goa Assistant. Commisioner did not say "Goan people stop working at 8:00PM, so they party all night".
Any way I dismiss this as another of Manorama Pulp fiction stories
Monday, July 11, 2005
Pulp Economics
I feel Freakanomics will make a better read than Friedman. However, I can catch him on NYT specials and editorials. An interesting hypothesis by the authors is that crime rates in US have come down owing to legalising abortion (Single Mothers--> Family Orphans-->More Crime). Other good questions are about school teachers cheating by awarding high marks to undeserving students to gain promotions. Hope to catch up with this interesting reading. Pulp-Economics.
We could think of some interesting socio-economic phenomenon in India too..
1. Why are People from Kutch, Gujarat more enterprising?
2. Why One in every three person in Namakkal has something to do with Trucks, and Logistics?
3. Kerala is becoming a land of geriatrics, Why?
4. Which state contributes more to the crime rate in India?
5. Will reverse migration (cities to villages) happen? Why?
Can you think of some more interesting phenomenon...Kerala ones? I got a forwarded Link to a site that has more on neo-liberal-economics here
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Human Evolution By Design
Fast Man on a Slow Horse?
Slow Men and Fast Horses never won it too...
Drive, Dissent, and Dominance have parallels to Passion, Pride, and Power of Individuals.
This inside story is interesting read for entities in organisations.
Friday, July 08, 2005
XQ's and +JUST's
+ Just: (1) A word that implies that a single seater in a crowded train compartment or a bus should be converted into a three seater (2) Enacting the camel-in-the-tent story from Arabian Nights (3) A privilege for those who make themselves look underprivileged (4) Your private space is not yours and should be shared (5) Move out of that space, or I will make sure you are +justed
Twisted Logic in Mangled Truth
"I have grown used to that. I know that for many in this building and in power in this country the blood of some people is worth more than the blood of others."-Mr. George Galloway, Former Labor MP, UK [Source: Daily Mail]
30 Lives in London...cannot be equated with.... 30 Lives in Baramulla [Jammu & Kashmir]. When will the G-8's realize that third world nations are not third class citizens of this world? Is it the hurt 'ego' of UK or the 'lives' of people that is speaking in the media? I found the former voicing more concern than the latter.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
These are my picks:
Industrial Products: Samsung Digital Presenter : Showerhead
Computers: Inotus: Lenovo Smartphone
Consumer Products: BV2SHelmet : Watch
Unique: fabric Freshner : ixiBike : Paint Buddy
Design Explore: Nike eyeD: Jeep : Car
Concept Designs: Shoes : Chrysler
I found this piece not very original. My grandfather used the same design- nut and tobacco grinder
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Remember Who You Are: Book
A book of reminiscence from a Harvard alumna, about the most influential anecdotes from fifteen distinguished Professors of Harvard Business School. The book made sense to me coming from an academician. This will be the only book that will be as inspiring as one that comes from top industrialists (Sloan, Morita, Welch et al.). It disproves the theory that 'Those who can do, do..While others teach". I add "Those who teach, make others do". Academicians also make sense... and this book proves the point. The most influential people in a person's life is his/her teacher.
The collection of anecdotes are divided into four subthemes; namely a) gaining Perspective b) Managing Yourself c) Leading Others, and d) Building values. The book appeals to me for its lucid language, crisp presentation, unassuming and unconventional advice. The credits go to the academic community at Harvard who perish the myth that academicians are Phi Beta Kappa Individuals with low ambition and drive.
Prof. Jai Jaikumar advices all his students to 'Relax' and 'Celebrate Life' to improve the "Luck" of people surrounding you. His escape from a near death experience on a mountaineering expedition delivers a great message- "passion delivers opportunities from Moments of Hardship by Luck". Prof. Henry B. Reiling's definition of Good Luck is "the absence of Bad Luck". Prof. Jai furthers this belief, "Success is born in your Good Fortune; and Obligation is born in Your Success". Great acts of philanthropy are thus born out of your success and greater responsibilities are created as you scale great heights.
Donot Attend Your Fifth MBA Alumni Reunion
This one is interesting, the anecdote advices you not to attend the fifth reunion because 'short term gains' stiffle growth; you will compare your achievements with your batchmates that are superficial in existence. I agree!
You becomes risk averse and go low on confidence imagining what your classmates will have been able to achieve in five years. This makes you follow the secure route out of the fear of coming up emptyhanded early in life. The big thing is "don't hesitate to make career changes". I find many MBA students scampering for "Job Placements". I tell them "Donot Chase Jobs, Let Jobs Chase You, because it is building a Career that is your goal". Forget Changing careers, Indian MBA's hesitate when it comes to changing jobs. They mistake jobs for careers.
Face Uncertainities, and Take calculated Risks
The most humorous anecdote is from Prof. Jeffrey F. Rayport about the "Stuffed Bird". I was visualising "Doctor Proctor's" quixotic methods of challenging students. I believe hard nosed professors intimidate students to challenge them. "Creative acts demand Courage and Confidence". When "Doctor Proctor" asks the students to write a four hour examination about a stuffed bird, he simulates the real life scenario of great uncertainity.
Be 'Like' Yourself
The best section of the book is "Be Like Yourself" by Prof. Richard S. Tedlow. It answered the question that has been lingering in my mind for the last 4 years as an academician. I am one of those 'Kindergarten professors', and look at awe at those Professors who mesmerize a class through their lectures. I sometimes felt that one has to put a mask and create a different atmosphere. The questions is : How much can a Professor be himself to be a good instructor? Does being Yourself and presenting your complete personality (jokes, sharing your beliefs, informal approach to students) and self-revealing in front of a class make you a great Teacher?". The message is "You don't need to be Yourself in class- but You've got to be like Yourself". It helps in proper balancing of one's work life and personal life. We need to critically seperate our personal life (who we are) and work life (what we do). It is helpful to have a personality very much 'similar' to your real self, than 'put' up a pseudo persona. Personal Time matters, and a strong personal ethic rubs on your work ethic. One should not mix behaviour at home with work place behavior. It confuses you, and creates an Identity Management crisis.
Stay Grounded-Connect With people
On Managing your career as you move up in Life, one anecdote says 'the only change is circumstances in life'. As one moves up in the organisation (positions), the two things that she/he is deprived of are 'ground realities' and 'truth'. People report to your position with sugar-coated "bitter" pills. One needs to stay immune to "Self-praise Syndrome". Spending time with your loved ones will help you realize your self. The message is "However hard you try to love your job, your Job cannot Love you, but Your loved ones will". So as you move up in life "Stay down to earth", "instill Intellectual Honesty", "Courage in Subordinates to Question your Answers". All this can be achieved by "Increasing accessibility to your employees".
Set High Standards
This inspiring anecdote talks about realising the persihability of your cherished experiences and memories. how many of us have really cherished success in life. Sat down after a success and rewinded the moment immediately? It is all about Living the moment. It helps us to face later challenges in life and boosts our self esteem. It helps us give "Gifts of High Expectation" to others. It helps us to challenge our students.
The Best Lines are these...
"You Go out Today and Be a Leader. Stick to your Guns about what You Know to be Right and Wrong, and don't let anyone else drag You around by the Nose- Remember Who You Are"...
Did anyone say only Jack Welch can talk about Guts?
Friday, July 01, 2005
Angels & Demons-Tamil-Climax
Continued ....
Angels and Demons Episode-II
Rajni alarmingly puts the strings together. Thittam-The plot to IMILATI realizing their ultimate power of earth..bestowed on her son..the titanium laden beaches along the east coast of Tamil Nadu..... using the secret weapon.
Rajnikant (RAbert Laangdon) air dashes to Tanjore (The worlds largest archive of Palm Leaf Literature on IMILATI). Rajni discovers the links of IMILATI to the Kama Kodi Peedam, where the election of the heir to the throne of multi million followers of Hindu faith will take place. The IMILATI will use the 'thittam' in the Peedam-To strike at the hour when the new seer is elected.
He arrives at the Peedam, but he hears that 4 candidates are missing from the Peedam. The IMILATI had claimed its first victim at Valluvarkottam, in Chennai. Valluvarkottam, named after Thiruvalluvar strikes Rajni as the IMILATI's chosen place of revenge. The next three murders will happen at IMILATI chosen locations. At Valluvar kottam he looks for IMILATI related signs and symbols. He sees the Statue of E.V.R [Thanthai Periyar], and infers that IMILATI will strike at E.V.R's birth place, but by the time he acts, IMILATI have committed the second murder at the origin of Periyar River [Sivagiri Hills, along the TamilNadu-Kerala Border].
Rajni swears revenge. He knows that IMILATI is to strike next at another IMILATI follower abode, Vivekananda Memorial Rock in Kanya Kumari.[It was once touted as the Alexandria of the East, and this would have been the Headquarters of IMILATI]. Vivekananda is also cited to be a IMILATI follower who settled in kanya Kumari. He dashes to the rock only to find the third murder executed on the rocks. He looks at his Omega Constellation watch..The time 10:00 AM.... day was October 2nd.. Gandhi Jayanti (birthday of the father of the Nation)..Was Gandhiji part of IMILATI?
Rajni surveys from Vivekananda rock and then sees the grand design of IMILATI. Forming a golden Triangle is The Vivekananda rock Memorial in Bay of Bengal Side of the Sea, A Tall Monolith 100feet Statue of Tiruvalluvar on The Arabian Sea Side of the Sea, and then the striking Gandhi Memorial at the tip of the Mainland.
The three generations of IMILATI's coming together at the confluence of three great oceans. How symbolic of IMILATI to recognise the three great IMILATI of Tamil. Rajni was surprised to know that Gandhiji also was a born again Tamilian.
Gandhi Jayanti..Rajni puts the clue together.. at noon on October 2 (Gandhi’s birthday) the sun’s rays falls on the spot where his ashes were kept for public view (marked by a bxe "Gandhi, Mahatma" lack marble box), before being put into the sea at this place.. He rushes to Gandhi Memorial, and encounters the Hashashim [Kalabhavan Mani]. The Hashashim has cornered the victim and is waiting to strike at 12.00 ..Rajni looks at his Rado watch..11:59AM...Hashashim grunts...
Phew..(To be continued..)
Its My Life.......
Life is all about balance. Darkness can't be
without light, and light can't be without
darkness. You see everything through different
angeles to gain perspective over situations.
You act rather rational and people can find you
stiff and/or emotionless due to this. Life is
not really that good to you, yet it's not so
bad. Like everything else, you need to balance
it in order to find peace.
How do you see life?
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What type of Killer am I?
You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you
Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
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