Friday, July 14, 2006


On Tuesday,18th July 2008 we wear "Black" in Mumbai. Please donot mistake Mumbai's ability to strive and spirit as numbness or indifference.

Thursday, July 13, 2006



1991-It is a vibrant city, the economic growth starts
1993- We have seen the worst this year, we will survive
1999- Mumbai can take up everything thrown at it.

2003- The spirit of Mumbai is undaunting, steely, determined

26/7/2005- Mumbai spirit and hopes can float on high wont sink

11/7/2006- That sinking feeling

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Here..exactly here...

I was born in this village
My home is here.
I currently work here
I will be getting married in this place

I am in Heaven! (I donot have a link)

(Courtsey: Wikimapia)